You will be emailed a link to for your professional image creation. There you will answer submit the information necessary to create an image of your packaging. Prepare to have label art assets, all packaging specifications, and any additional custom art assets for your package.
Brand: {{entry.brand}}
Price: ${{entry.price}} per {{entry.packageSize}}
Vintage: {{entry.vintage}}
Varietal: {{entry.varietal}}
Packaging notes: {{entry.q2}}
Bottle Weight: {{entry.bottleWeight}}
Package Type: {{entry.packageType}}
Designer Vendor: {{entry.designerVendor.label}}
Closure Vendor: {{entry.closureVendor.label}}
OverClosure Vendor: {{entry.overClosureVendor.label}}
Bottle Vendor: {{entry.bottleVendor.label}}
Printer Vendor: {{entry.printerVendor.label}}
Container Vendor: {{entry.containerVendor.label}}